Thursday, June 2, 2011

Pseudo Introductions

Welcome to the PseudoTV blog.  This site will attempt to show the current progress, upcoming features, and questionable coding practices related to the PseudoTV addon for XBMC.

First off, this is the heart of what PseudoTV is:

It takes your existing media collection of movies and TV shows and creates a custom TV experience out of it.  You have separate channels with your own shows playing.  Select what you want to watch, or just let the channel play in the background.

I've spent quite a bit of time on this relatively simple idea to flesh it out and make it usable on the XBMC platform.  I will continue to offer updates and fixes for this addon as long as it's users want to use it.


  1. Do you realize how many people is using this awesome plugin. Thousands here in South Africa use it to replace their Satelite TV! So I say thank you for this piece of genius!

    1. thousands in SA??? i reckon its a very small nerd community

  2. Excellent concept and execution...please keep up the good work.

    Is there a set of instructions/wiki we can refer to?



  3. The best set of instructions is written by Milkman:

  4. Hi, Thank you! you are a great creator! I wonder, approximatly, where are you located in the world, usa? canada? somewhere else?
